Games won: | 28 x |
Years won: | |
Months won: | 11 |
Player class: | VIII |
Position in All-Time TOP: | 6 / 901 |
Position in TOP consecutive rounds with 100%: | 5
Next to:
Last appearance: | 2017-05-21 (7 years and 254 days) |
Played rounds: | 2166 / 5769 |
Participation: | 42.086 % |
Stats for played rounds: | Easy: 97.12% Hard: 96.34% Impossible: 66.42% |
Impossible rounds played: | 134 / 276 |
Worst answer: | 19,939.608 km away in round 2014-04-20 |
Played rounds deviation: | 280,365.527 km |
Total deviation: | 72,416,028.527 km |
Auto Answer State: | Enabled |
Last Online: | 2017-05-21 17:01:37 |
| Date | Place | Difficulty | Accuracy | Q&A | Auto ? |
1 |
2017-05-31 |
| Prefectura, Targu Mures, Romania |
Hard |
97.205 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |
2 |
2017-05-30 |
| Cervantes Statue, Madrid, Spain |
Hard |
90.715 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |
3 |
2017-05-29 |
| Chillon Castle, Vaud, Switzerland |
Hard |
95.971 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |
4 |
2017-05-28 |
| Uprising Museum, Warsaw, Poland |
Hard |
97.231 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |
5 |
2017-05-27 |
| Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea |
Hard |
57.808 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |
6 |
2017-05-26 |
| Cathedral, Leon, Castile and Leon, Spain |
Hard |
90.599 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |
7 |
2017-05-25 |
| Ranthambore Fort, Rajasthan, India |
Hard |
71.914 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |
8 |
2017-05-24 |
| St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, United Kingdom |
Hard |
93.393 % |
0 in 45 s |
yes |